
Rare Trade Goods
Reagent for 17 Created by 1
Market Value
Mysterious Bag Mysterious Bag Mysterious Bag
Tailoring (440)
Quantity 1x
Gold 497g 99s 89c
383g 98s 19c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 170g 44s 72c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 2x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Glacial Bag Glacial Bag Glacial Bag
Tailoring (445)
Quantity 1x
Gold 314g 19s 35c
324g 33s 93c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 4x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 60g 27s 22c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Frostmoon Pants Frostmoon Pants Frostmoon Pants
Tailoring (425)
Quantity 1x
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 1x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk
Quantity 4x
Platinum 26g 40s 5c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 1x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk
Quantity 4x
Platinum 26g 40s 5c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Aurora Slippers Aurora Slippers Aurora Slippers
Tailoring (420)
Quantity 1x
Gold 460g 46s 78c
102g 42s 76c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 1x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Heavy Borean Leather Heavy Borean Leather Heavy Borean Leather
Quantity 2x
Platinum 84g 90s 27c
Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk
Quantity 4x
Platinum 26g 40s 5c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Moonshroud Robe Moonshroud Robe Moonshroud Robe
Tailoring (440)
Quantity 1x
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 8x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 1x
Platinum 36g 60s 83c
Moonshroud Gloves Moonshroud Gloves Moonshroud Gloves
Tailoring (435)
Quantity 1x
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 4x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 1x
Platinum 36g 60s 83c
Cord of the White Dawn Cord of the White Dawn Cord of the White Dawn
Tailoring (450) - Content Phase 2
Quantity 1x
Gold 1701g 59s 76c
410g 31s 10c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 8x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Runed Orb Runed Orb Runed Orb
Quantity 6x
Platinum 83g 71s 31c
Savior's Slippers Savior's Slippers Savior's Slippers
Tailoring (450) - Content Phase 2
Quantity 1x
Gold 3933g 81s 80c
2642g 53s 14c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 8x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Runed Orb Runed Orb Runed Orb
Quantity 6x
Platinum 83g 71s 31c
Emerald Bag Emerald Bag Emerald Bag
Tailoring (435)
Quantity 1x
Gold 388g 99s 76c
32g 83s 22c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 4x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Frost Lotus Frost Lotus Frost Lotus
Quantity 6x
Platinum 4g 55s 43c
Royal Moonshroud Bracers Royal Moonshroud Bracers Royal Moonshroud Bracers
Tailoring (450)
Quantity 1x
Gold 894g 91s 89c
924g 56s 19c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 12x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 4x
Platinum 158g 99s 22c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 12x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 4x
Platinum 158g 99s 22c
Royal Moonshroud Robe Royal Moonshroud Robe Royal Moonshroud Robe
Tailoring (450) - Content Phase 3
Quantity 1x
Gold 3686g 97s 88c
337g 28s 12c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 20x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
King's Amber King's Amber King's Amber
Quantity 2x
Platinum 52g 62s 0c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 8x
Platinum 158g 99s 22c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 20x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
King's Amber King's Amber King's Amber
Quantity 2x
Platinum 52g 62s 0c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 8x
Platinum 158g 99s 22c
Lightweave Leggings Lightweave Leggings Lightweave Leggings
Tailoring (450)
Quantity 1x
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 20x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite
Quantity 8x
Platinum 418g 5s 38c
Sandals of Consecration Sandals of Consecration Sandals of Consecration
Tailoring (450)
Quantity 1x
Gold 9538g 14s 64c
6461g 61s 74c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 10x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite
Quantity 5x
Platinum 418g 5s 38c
Frosty Flying Carpet Frosty Flying Carpet Frosty Flying Carpet
Tailoring (425)
Quantity 1x
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 1x
Platinum 98g 62s 60c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 170g 44s 72c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 60g 27s 22c
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 4x
Platinum 36g 60s 83c
