
Rare Trade Goods
Reagent for 12 Created by 1
Market Value
Abyssal Bag Abyssal Bag Abyssal Bag
Tailoring (435)
Quantity 1x
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 2x
Platinum 102g 62s 9c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Glacial Bag Glacial Bag Glacial Bag
Tailoring (445)
Quantity 1x
Gold 952g 21s 16c
135g 18s 12c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 4x
Platinum 115g 26s 48c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Hat of Wintry Doom Hat of Wintry Doom Hat of Wintry Doom
Tailoring (425)
Quantity 1x
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk
Quantity 4x
Platinum 5g 83s 70c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Ebonweave Robe Ebonweave Robe Ebonweave Robe
Tailoring (440)
Quantity 1x
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 1x
Platinum 115g 86s 85c
Ebonweave Gloves Ebonweave Gloves Ebonweave Gloves
Tailoring (435)
Quantity 1x
Gold 493g 91s 18c
160g 29s 91c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Platinum 2g 94s 0c (Vendor)
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 1x
Platinum 115g 86s 85c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 102g 62s 9c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Runed Orb Runed Orb Runed Orb
Quantity 6x
Platinum 413g 17s 66c
Spellslinger's Slippers Spellslinger's Slippers Spellslinger's Slippers
Tailoring (450) - Content Phase 2
Quantity 1x
Gold 5999g 99s 93c
2757g 42s 49c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 102g 62s 9c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Runed Orb Runed Orb Runed Orb
Quantity 6x
Platinum 413g 17s 66c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 102g 62s 9c
Dream Shard Dream Shard Dream Shard
Quantity 8x
Platinum 96g 92s 69c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 8x
Platinum 344g 4s 99c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 102g 62s 9c
Dream Shard Dream Shard Dream Shard
Quantity 8x
Platinum 96g 92s 69c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 8x
Platinum 344g 4s 99c
Deathfrost Boots Deathfrost Boots Deathfrost Boots
Tailoring (450)
Quantity 1x
Gold 6620g 44s 12c
4332g 28s 85c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 6x
Platinum 102g 62s 9c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 6x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite
Quantity 5x
Platinum 228g 57s 61c
Leggings of Woven Death Leggings of Woven Death Leggings of Woven Death
Tailoring (450)
Quantity 1x
Gold 9165g 51s 86c
5428g 12s 28c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 10x
Platinum 102g 62s 9c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 10x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite
Quantity 8x
Platinum 228g 57s 61c
Frosty Flying Carpet Frosty Flying Carpet Frosty Flying Carpet
Tailoring (425)
Quantity 1x
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 1x
Platinum 115g 26s 48c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 102g 62s 9c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 88g 25s 78c
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 4x
Platinum 115g 86s 85c
