
Rare Trade Goods
Reagent for 15 Created by 1
Market Value
Mysterious Bag Mysterious Bag Mysterious Bag
Tailoring (440)
Quantity 1x
Gold 788g 56s 31c
268g 38s 15c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 2x
Platinum 77g 33s 22c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Abyssal Bag Abyssal Bag Abyssal Bag
Tailoring (435)
Quantity 1x
Gold 455g 95s 3c
150g 87s 95c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 106g 1s 78c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 2x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Silky Iceshard Boots Silky Iceshard Boots Silky Iceshard Boots
Tailoring (420)
Quantity 1x
Gold 199g 99s 99c
146g 71s 63c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Heavy Borean Leather Heavy Borean Leather Heavy Borean Leather
Quantity 2x
Platinum 15g 56s 65c
Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk
Quantity 4x
Platinum 2g 27s 76c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Deep Frozen Cord Deep Frozen Cord Deep Frozen Cord
Tailoring (420)
Quantity 1x
Gold 199g 99s 99c
72g 56s 46c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk Iceweb Spider Silk
Quantity 4x
Platinum 2g 27s 76c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Spellweave Robe Spellweave Robe Spellweave Robe
Tailoring (440)
Quantity 1x
Gold 542g 7s 50c
491g 53s 36c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 1x
Platinum 44g 46s 20c
Spellweave Gloves Spellweave Gloves Spellweave Gloves
Tailoring (435)
Quantity 1x
Gold 1394g 47s 26c
812g 41s 86c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Eternium Thread Eternium Thread Eternium Thread
Quantity 1x
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 1x
Platinum 44g 46s 20c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 106g 1s 78c
Runed Orb Runed Orb Runed Orb
Quantity 6x
Platinum 118g 10s 89c
Spellslinger's Slippers Spellslinger's Slippers Spellslinger's Slippers
Tailoring (450) - Content Phase 2
Quantity 1x
Gold 7827g 28s 86c
6329g 4s 68c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 4x
Platinum 106g 1s 78c
Runed Orb Runed Orb Runed Orb
Quantity 6x
Platinum 118g 10s 89c
Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers
Tailoring (450) - Content Phase 3
Quantity 1x
Gold 6546g 49s 75c
5078g 45s 38c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Eye of Zul Eye of Zul Eye of Zul
Quantity 1x
Platinum 80g 81s 88c
Cardinal Ruby Cardinal Ruby Cardinal Ruby
Quantity 1x
Platinum 171g 93s 34c
Majestic Zircon Majestic Zircon Majestic Zircon
Quantity 1x
Platinum 112g 81s 67c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 4x
Platinum 92g 86s 1c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Eye of Zul Eye of Zul Eye of Zul
Quantity 1x
Platinum 80g 81s 88c
Cardinal Ruby Cardinal Ruby Cardinal Ruby
Quantity 1x
Platinum 171g 93s 34c
Majestic Zircon Majestic Zircon Majestic Zircon
Quantity 1x
Platinum 112g 81s 67c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 4x
Platinum 92g 86s 1c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 106g 1s 78c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Dream Shard Dream Shard Dream Shard
Quantity 8x
Platinum 16g 85s 9c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 8x
Platinum 92g 86s 1c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 106g 1s 78c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 8x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Dream Shard Dream Shard Dream Shard
Quantity 8x
Platinum 16g 85s 9c
Crusader Orb Crusader Orb Crusader Orb
Quantity 8x
Platinum 92g 86s 1c
Deathfrost Boots Deathfrost Boots Deathfrost Boots
Tailoring (450)
Quantity 1x
Gold 6799g 99s 79c
4787g 78s 78c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 6x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 6x
Platinum 106g 1s 78c
Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite
Quantity 5x
Platinum 165g 56s 55c
Leggings of Woven Death Leggings of Woven Death Leggings of Woven Death
Tailoring (450)
Quantity 1x
Gold 8918g 7s 93c
5619g 58s 43c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 10x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 10x
Platinum 106g 1s 78c
Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite Primordial Saronite
Quantity 8x
Platinum 165g 56s 55c
Frosty Flying Carpet Frosty Flying Carpet Frosty Flying Carpet
Tailoring (425)
Quantity 1x
Moonshroud Moonshroud Moonshroud
Quantity 1x
Platinum 77g 33s 22c
Spellweave Spellweave Spellweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 91g 37s 93c
Ebonweave Ebonweave Ebonweave
Quantity 1x
Platinum 106g 1s 78c
Frozen Orb Frozen Orb Frozen Orb
Quantity 4x
Platinum 44g 46s 20c
