Bronze Setting

Common Trade Goods
Reagent for 11 Created by 1
Market Value
Simple Pearl Ring Simple Pearl Ring Simple Pearl Ring
Jewelcrafting (60)
Quantity 1x
Gold 4g 35s 76c
7g 61s 30c
Small Lustrous Pearl Small Lustrous Pearl Small Lustrous Pearl
Quantity 1x
Platinum 1g 67s 51c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Copper Bar Copper Bar Copper Bar
Quantity 2x
Platinum 84s 71c
Gloom Band Gloom Band Gloom Band
Jewelcrafting (70)
Quantity 1x
Gold 3g 37s 66c
24g 4s 79c
Shadowgem Shadowgem Shadowgem
Quantity 2x
Platinum 4g 95s 23c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Delicate Copper Wire Delicate Copper Wire Delicate Copper Wire
Quantity 2x
Platinum 4g 45s 93c
Heavy Silver Ring Heavy Silver Ring Heavy Silver Ring
Jewelcrafting (90)
Quantity 1x
Gold 6g 1s 0c
21g 64s 44c
Silver Bar Silver Bar Silver Bar
Quantity 2x
Platinum 3g 37s 53c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Moss Agate Moss Agate Moss Agate
Quantity 1x
Platinum 4g 84s 98c
Lesser Moonstone Lesser Moonstone Lesser Moonstone
Quantity 1x
Platinum 7g 45s 27c
Amulet of the Moon Amulet of the Moon Amulet of the Moon
Jewelcrafting (110)
Quantity 1x
Gold 6g 15s 56c
17g 35s 11c
Lesser Moonstone Lesser Moonstone Lesser Moonstone
Quantity 2x
Platinum 7g 45s 27c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Barbaric Iron Collar Barbaric Iron Collar Barbaric Iron Collar
Jewelcrafting (110)
Quantity 1x
Gold 3g 41s 6c
39g 72s 6c
Iron Bar Iron Bar Iron Bar
Quantity 8x
Platinum 2g 94s 5c
Large Fang Large Fang Large Fang
Quantity 2x
Platinum 1g 20s 23c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 2x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Pendant of the Agate Shield Pendant of the Agate Shield Pendant of the Agate Shield
Jewelcrafting (120)
Quantity 1x
Gold 2g 38s 58c
11g 6s 53c
Moss Agate Moss Agate Moss Agate
Quantity 1x
Platinum 4g 84s 98c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Citrine Citrine Citrine
Quantity 1x
Platinum 10g 20s 94c
Elemental Water Elemental Water Elemental Water
Quantity 2x
Platinum 1g 29s 61c
Gold Bar Gold Bar Gold Bar
Quantity 2x
Platinum 3g 35s 62c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Brilliant Necklace Brilliant Necklace Brilliant Necklace
Jewelcrafting (75)
Quantity 1x
Gold 9g 82s 69c
10g 54s 2c
Bronze Bar Bronze Bar Bronze Bar
Quantity 4x
Platinum 1g 72s 90c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Moss Agate Moss Agate Moss Agate
Quantity 1x
Platinum 4g 84s 98c
Heavy Jade Ring Heavy Jade Ring Heavy Jade Ring
Jewelcrafting (105)
Quantity 1x
Gold 1g 63s 58c
22g 22s 34c
Jade Jade Jade
Quantity 1x
Platinum 9g 37s 69c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Iron Bar Iron Bar Iron Bar
Quantity 2x
Platinum 2g 94s 5c
Bronze Band of Force Bronze Band of Force Bronze Band of Force
Jewelcrafting (65)
Quantity 1x
Gold 7g 0c
15g 79s 1c
Bronze Bar Bronze Bar Bronze Bar
Quantity 2x
Platinum 1g 72s 90c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Malachite Malachite Malachite
Quantity 3x
Platinum 13s 5c
Tigerseye Tigerseye Tigerseye
Quantity 3x
Platinum 14s 49c
Shadowgem Shadowgem Shadowgem
Quantity 2x
Platinum 4g 95s 23c
Bronze Torc Bronze Torc Bronze Torc
Jewelcrafting (80)
Quantity 1x
Gold 4g 40s 65c
22g 2s 15c
Bronze Bar Bronze Bar Bronze Bar
Quantity 6x
Platinum 1g 72s 90c
Bronze Setting Bronze Setting Bronze Setting
Quantity 1x
Platinum 8g 60s 13c
Lesser Moonstone Lesser Moonstone Lesser Moonstone
Quantity 1x
Platinum 7g 45s 27c
